Plastic Surgeons In Mobile Al - Breast Augmentations - 3 Typical Reasons for Going Under the Knife
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Do you know about - Breast Augmentations - 3 Typical Reasons for Going Under the Knife
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There are numerous reasons why breast augmentations are the most popular form of cosmetic surgery, now for many years running. In this article we will explore three of the most common reasons patients choose to undergo this type of enhancement.
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Cosmetic Reasons
Easily the most frequently stated reason that patients choose a breast augmentation is for enlargement and enhancement purposes. Women dissatisfied with their size find this relatively simple procedure to be a viable permanent option for achieving the results they seek. Some women feel that they would have a more balanced bodily contour after an enlargement. Others opt for this surgery to correct notable disproportion, in other words, when one side is larger than the other.
With satisfaction rates topping out near 98%, it's evident why this type of cosmetic surgery is so common among this group of patients.
Malformation/Trauma Reasons
Patients who have congenital malformations often seek breast augmentation surgery as adults to reverse the abnormalities. The emotional toll on this type of patient is great, and the opportunity to correct the disorder and create the feminine features absent as a result of it is something very well worth the time, risk and monetary sacrifice.
Women who have sustained trauma in the chest region as a child either through a car wreck or other accident, or even through severe burns at or near the chest can see abnormal mammary development as they grow and mature. A breast augmentation can restore the symmetry and balance to the woman's chest and enhance her self-esteem and confidence in the process.
Cancer Reasons
Women who have undergone or are about to undergo a mastectomy as treatment for cancer often opt for a breast augmentation to aid in returning to their pre-treatment selves. This surgery can be done at the same time as a mastectomy, or may be required as a separate or as a part of a series of individual surgical sessions.
It is reported that this cosmetic procedure has allowed women to feel complete again, and has resulted in a feeling of closure and provides an avenue to move past the traumatic cancer experience.
Reasons for choosing this type of enhancement are sometimes as varied as the patients themselves. A consultation with a qualified cosmetic surgeon will assist would-be patients in determining of the procedure is right for them.
For additional information on this type of cosmetic enhancement, go online or seek the advice of your local plastic surgeon.
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